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Closing Your Pool for the Utah Winter: A Guide from Crystal Pools and Spas​
Home Closing Your Pool for the Utah Winter: A Guide from Crystal Pools and Spas​

Well, all good things must come to an end. No vacation or weekend lasts forever, and even what feels like an endless summer isn’t really endless. Unless you live in a place with year-round warm weather, you’ll need to prepare for Utah’s cold, swim-free months by closing your pool for winter. Don’t worry—doing it right will save you time and money, and make reopening your pool next year a breeze. Here’s why, when, and how to close your pool properly, and what you’ll need to get it done.

Why Should You Close Your Pool for Winter?

Closing your pool correctly now will make next year’s reopening much smoother. The last thing you want is to uncover your pool in the spring and find murky, debris-filled water with algae and grime—or worse, damage to your system. A proper winterization protects your pool’s equipment, like the skimmer, from unnecessary wear and tear.

Closing your pool also helps in the short term by saving you time and effort. Once the pool is closed, there’s no need to clean out debris or add chemicals throughout the winter. Plus, it reduces the need to run your pump and circulation system, cutting down on energy costs.

Timing Is Everything

For Utah pool owners, the best time to close your pool is when temperatures consistently stay below 65°F. Keeping your pool open until the weather cools down allows you to use it for as long as possible while helping keep algae at bay. If temperatures rise above 65°F during the winter, you can treat the water to prevent algae growth, giving yourself a head start on next season’s maintenance.

What You’ll Need

Closing your pool for the winter requires a few essential tools and supplies. Luckily, you probably have most of these items on hand, and anything you purchase can be reused next year. Here’s a quick checklist:

  • Winter pool cover
  • Pool brush and vacuum (or a robotic cleaner)
  • Winter pool plugs for return jets and skimmer plug
  • Shop-Vac or air compressor
  • WinterPill (for chemical treatment over the winter)
  • Cover pump to remove water that accumulates on the cover
  • Tools for removing pool accessories like ladders
  • Chemicals: sanitizer, pH adjusters, algaecide, pool shock, antifreeze for pool lines, and metal sequestrant (if needed)

How to Close Your Pool for the Winter in 10 Steps

  1. Clean the Pool: Brush the sides and bottom to dislodge algae spores, then vacuum the pool thoroughly to remove debris.

  2. Balance the Water: Test and adjust the chemical levels to prevent corrosion, cloudiness, or algae buildup over the winter. Balanced water now will help keep your pool in good shape.

  3. Add Winterizing Chemicals: Double-dose algaecide if needed, add metal sequestrant to prevent stains, and consider using pool enzymes to help break down organic matter. The WinterPill is a great all-in-one solution to release chemicals over time.

  4. Shock the Pool: Add shock treatment to kill off any lingering contaminants. Be sure to shock after sunset to avoid it burning off in the sunlight. Run the pump overnight.

  5. Drain Part of the Water: If freezing is a concern, lower the water level to prevent freeze damage. For most pools in Utah, lowering the water by about six inches is ideal, but check your cover type and manufacturer recommendations.

  6. Clean and Winterize the Filter: For cartridge filters, clean or replace the cartridge. For sand or DE filters, perform a backwash. Drain all water from the pump, filter, and heater (if you have one).

  7. Blow Out Plumbing Lines: Using an air compressor or Shop-Vac, blow air through the pool’s plumbing to remove any water. This step prevents pipes from freezing and cracking. Consider hiring a professional if this step feels too complicated.

  8. Remove Pool Accessories: Take out ladders, handrails, and any other pool accessories. Clean and store them, and ensure all electronics are stored indoors.

  9. Install the Winter Cover: Secure the cover tightly to protect the pool from debris and prevent chemicals from diluting. Use water bags or weights to keep the cover in place and a cover pump to remove any water that accumulates.

  10. Look Forward to Next Season: With your pool safely closed, you can look forward to an easy opening next year. Until then, enjoy the fall and winter, knowing your pool is protected!

Closing your pool properly now means you can dive into the next swimming season with ease. At Crystal Pools and Spas, we’re here to help with all your pool needs—whether it’s closing for winter or opening in the spring!